Tia UV vào những mùa khác có gây ra các tổn hại như mùa hè không? - CLACLAC

Do UV rays in other seasons cause the same damage as summer?

Ultraviolet rays have an impact regardless of the season

The leaves change color, the temperature starts to cool, the sun's heat fades, and we instinctively drop our guard, "forget" to wear sunscreen, leave our hats at home, and step outside in the sunlight. daylight without any protection. Is it really necessary to be cautious with UV protection?

Are we really risking the wrath of the sun by sitting by the sea with a book or enjoying a morning cup of coffee on the terrace? Or is all of this UV stuff an exaggeration?

The answer is simple and surprising.
Yes, we still need to be vigilant even though it feels cooler outside.

Science has clearly shown that the most powerful ultraviolet, UVB (“B” reminds you of Burning) changes in intensity based on the season and position of the sun.
However, UVA rays (emphasis on "A" for "Aging") remain strong with frightening intensity year-round, regardless of the season or the position of the sun.

In short, UVA rays are ultraviolet rays that almost never go away, wreaking continuous and cumulative damage on skin health, contributing to skin cancer, vision loss and reduced immunity. ta.

While wearing UPF 50+ clothing that covers hands, face, and head on these cool fall days may seem a bit overwhelming, a simple walk in the neighborhood, a casual bike ride, a lunch outside The sun or playing in the park will prolong the time it takes to damage skin cells. So stay vigilant and protect your skin like a year-round contract.


Pervasive and constantly within their reach, relatively long-wavelength UVA rays account for about 95% of the UV radiation reaching the Earth's surface and thus easily reach our skin.

Although UVA radiation is much less carcinogenic than UVB radiation, it is more present in sunlight than UVB rays and contributes significantly to the potential for light-induced carcinogenesis. UVA rays penetrate the deeper layers of the skin where connective tissues and blood vessels are affected.

As a result, the skin gradually loses its elasticity and wrinkles begin to appear. Furthermore, recent studies suggest it may enhance skin cancer growth. The mechanism of this UVA damage is not fully understood, but one popular theory is that UVA increases oxidative stress in cells.

UVA penetrates car windows, glass doors, but you can't see them; they are invisible. They damage the skin, but you can't feel it because they don't burn. However, a few years later, you start to see the ill effects of UVA rays.

Freckles, wrinkles and brown spots appear, chin and neck skin sags, collagen and skin elasticity decrease. There are even more serious concerns going on, such as vision problems, cataracts in the eye or macular degeneration. Or most seriously, cancer occurs.

Although UVA rays are not the main source of cancer, it is a known one. And the simple, unprotected everyday things of riding a motorcycle can't be overlooked, long walks on a warm autumn day will gradually accumulate and become irreversible UVA damage.

Even on cloudy or slightly cooler days, you should wear sunscreen regardless of the weather.

You won't see results right now, but the damage will gradually accumulate and make a big difference in 5 or 10 years.

Also, did you know that you can get sunburned even if you are in the room? This article summarizes the harmful effects of UV rays through windows. See if you want proper UV protection.

Read more: Can your skin still darken even when sitting indoors?

The article is referenced at: Skin Cancer Foundation

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