Lão hóa da là gì? Có phải do tia UV? - CLACLAC

What is skin aging? Is it due to UV rays?

As we age, our skin also ages. But even at the same age, some people have skin youthful But others do not.

Is age the only cause of skin aging?

In fact, age is not the only cause of skin aging!
In this article, we will explain in detail the causes and countermeasures of skin aging.

What is the biggest cause of skin aging?

At the same age, skin aging differently, right?

It is said that there are two causes of skin aging: "natural aging" and "photoaging".

Natural aging is aging that occurs with age, and it happens to everyone. On the other hand, "photoaging" is aging caused by ultraviolet rays.

In fact, It is said that about 80% of blemishes and wrinkles on the face are due to aging . Natural aging accounts for only 20%.

Among the areas of the body, the skin on the abdomen and thighs that is less exposed to UV rays will be smoother and less wrinkled than the skin on the face?

It is believed that the main cause of this difference is light or ultraviolet light.

old men face

This famous photo shows a 69-year-old American truck driver.
You can clearly see that one side aging face due to frequent UV exposure through glass. (Only on the right side of the image)

Manifestations of skin aging

・Wrinkles and dryness
It is not wrong to say that wrinkles always appear with age. Wrinkles appear for many reasons, but there are two main types: small wrinkles caused by impaired function of the epidermis and deep wrinkles due to impaired function of the dermis.

Most causes of fine lines and wrinkles are related to skin texture disorders and dryness, so it's important to remember to exfoliate and moisturize adequately daily.

On the other hand, deep wrinkles do not appear suddenly but can deepen gradually due to collagen and elastin, which maintain the skin's elasticity, reduced due to accumulation of harmful effects of ultraviolet rays and excessive production of active oxygen. level.

・Loss of firmness and sagging
Visible facial sagging is largely related to the loss of skin elasticity. The dermis of our skin contains components such as collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which are important for skin elasticity and are produced when skin functions are normal..

However, continued UV exposure, lack of sleep, poor nutrition and other irregular lifestyle habits, as well as dry skin, can adversely affect the cells that maintain the elasticity of the skin. skin, leading to symptoms of sagging skin.

・Freckles, age spots
Melanin is produced in excess when the skin is exposed to ultraviolet rays. Although there are different colors and types of spots, our skin is normally regenerated daily and removes dark spots from the skin along with dead skin cells.

However, as we age, the turnover function that is the transformation of that renewal process declines. This leads to an inability to expel melanin and the appearance of freckles.

UV protection is important for all skin ages

Skin aging happens to everyone.
As body functions decline with age, so does the skin.

However, if we can regularly take good measures to protect against UV rays, meaning that 80% of aging is caused by UV rays, we can delay the onset and manifestation of aging. skin.

The best way to create skin that stays beautiful and never shows signs of aging is to prevent it with daily UV protection measures.

We've put together how to block UV rays, so be sure to check out How To Sunscreen If You Don't Want To Look Old.

It is not only the skin that is affected by UV rays. Hair is similarly affected by UV rays, which can cause hair to lose shine and bounce.
This article summarizes how to deal with this problem, so if you don't want frizzy hair, check out Does Hair Get Sunburned? How to prevent and care for sunburned hair

The article is referenced at: National Library of Medicine

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